

  धूप ने गले लगाया, जब जब छाओ से पनाहे मांगी, लूं के कांटे चुभे,जब फिज़ा से ठंडी हवाएं मांगी, तू मिला मोहब्बत के नाम पे कुछ यूं मुझे, जैसे खुदा से दुआ में मैंने सजाएं मांगी।  मैंने सुनी थीं बचपन में एक कहानी, एक था राजा, एक थी रानी, बचपन बीत गया, यादें बन कर रेहगी, ना फिर मिली वो कागज़ की कश्ती न वो बारिश का पानी,बचपन में ही जी थी दिल से जिंदगानी, अब तो जिमेदारिया ही रेहगी है निभानी।   ज़ेहन में बहुत कुछ है पर मैं लिखती नहीं, तेरे सिवा इन आंखों में कोई और तस्वीर टिकती नहीं, तुझसे ये दुनिया मेरी, तेरे बिन कोई खुशी मुझे दिखती नहीं, ज़माना लाख दौलत बटोर ले, पर यकीन मानिए जनाब, सच्ची मोहब्बत आज भी बिकती नही। वो कुछ अधूरे ख्वाब मेरे, जिन्हें मुझे पूरा करना था, आज वही मुझसे पूछ रहे क्या जो कर रहे हों वहीं करना था। झूट्ठी मुस्कान चेहरे पे लपेट हर पल दिल ही दिल आहे भरना था.....! - दीप्ति गुप्ता


  Before you read this writeup I would like to acknowledge the people who motivated me knowingly or unknowingly,my gurus,my parents,family,god,devi ma,my besties especially for this writeup rutu who once said that “there’s place for everyone to grow I promise don’t worry”, ekta for showing me that you can study and at the same time pursue your passion and build them both as careers and a best friend with the same background CA student nd music student,all my best friends.I am grateful to,thankful to desire publications especially Aakanksha ma’am for the wonderful work,to everyone for being a part of my journey and lastly to myself.     Wishlist is it a List that contains your wishes, because when I write this to note them then from the day I started writing to this date that I write my wishlist,and you my readers read this,it would be an endless list. Because everyday that you wake up in this life you are a new individual a fresh start in life to be grateful for a ne...

Worth- Living

  Dear Rosa I have been meaning to write back to you  for quite some time now and I can imagine what a long wait it must have been, but you see, there is a good reason for that. For the past 2 months I haven’t been myself. My life hasn’t been the same since I found that there are chances of me spending the rest of my days lying in a hospital bed. I have no hope left, I feel like I’m already laying on my dying bed watching my relatives and my close friends from a distance with no hope that I can make it out alive. I’m not there yet though, I don’t know that feeling but I do know that there are some things I wish to do with my life. As much as this is a major setback I can’t help but think of all the things I have listed to do as in when this time goes on. There are some of us who believe in planning ahead creating exciting experiences and living our lives to the fullest. There’s just hope in having to prepare yourself for the future regardless of whether or not things might wor...

ना पिछे मुड़ना हैं.....

  ना पिछे मुड़ना हैं ना आगे झुकना हैं वक्त के पहिए को देख वक्त के साथ चलना हैं। आसमां में ना उड़ना मुझे नीचे गिरने का डर है ज़मीं पें ही रहकर बस्स! नाम कमाना है ऐसा कुछ कर जाना हैं मुझे। मुश्किलों को हार मान ना वहीं रूकना हैं मुझे कोशिशें तो करती रहूंगी जब तक मंजिल ना मिल जाए मुझे। कदम ना रूकने दूं जीत ना मिल जाए जब तक गिरने पर उठ जाना हैं हर हार को जीत मे बदलना हैं मुझे। जिंदगी के कुछ लम्हें में जिंदगी को जीना हैं खुशी से यह जी सकूं ऐसा कुछ कर जाना हैं मुझे।                   - रविना रघुनाथ रिकामे


  What else a teenage girls dream would Just to make her parents proud. For that, she sacrifices her dreams and work for their dreams, this was a life of middle class family. Enjoying my life with what I have get settled in life. Like to love my work whatever I do Travelling over the world exploring new things and learning more. Making my life even beautiful by spending my time with family and friends... - VARSHA

एक ख्वाब.......

एक ख्वाब था,  छोटा सा था पर  अनमोल था, किसीको पाने की एक  उम्मीद था। एक उम्मीद था,  हाँ इतना खास नहीं था पर वो आनेवाला था, उसके लौट आने की  भरोसा था। हाँ भरोसा तो था ,  टूट चुका है दिल मगर कुछ टुकड़ा तो था, गुमसुम सी इस रात में __ आशा की एक झलक था।  हाँ आशायें तो था ही,  सड़के सुनसान है मगर एक आवाज कहीं पर था, ये भीड़ तो मेरी धड़कन कि है अरे कुछ नहीं  ये तो मेरी तन्हाई था।  - S. P PRAVASINI

“The One Special Person Of My Life"

  "We can all create a sunset, but it takes someone special to create a new dawn." The special person of my life is the one who has actually changed my life and made it more better. I won’t disclose who is that but yes that person is no more less than a guardian angel for me. He is always there with me in good times and bad. He has taught me to live, to be responsible, to be more better than ever before. None could replace him in my life. That person is truly ultimate. Whenever, I have lost hope he has entered like a ray of hope towards me.. His sayings, "Promise me you'll always remember: You're braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think." has always made be strong. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- His gesture and kindness is all that I long for, His words of wisdom have stopped me from downfall.. “It’s always better when we’re together.” Coz being with the right ...