Before you read this writeup I would like to acknowledge the people who motivated me knowingly or unknowingly,my gurus,my parents,family,god,devi ma,my besties especially for this writeup rutu who once said that “there’s place for everyone to grow I promise don’t worry”, ekta for showing me that you can study and at the same time pursue your passion and build them both as careers and a best friend with the same background CA student nd music student,all my best friends.I am grateful to,thankful to desire publications especially Aakanksha ma’am for the wonderful work,to everyone for being a part of my journey and lastly to myself. 

  Wishlist is it a List that contains your wishes, because when I write this to note them then from the day I started writing to this date that I write my wishlist,and you my readers read this,it would be an endless list.

Because everyday that you wake up in this life you are a new individual a fresh start in life to be grateful for a new beginning.The new you starts afresh for the path and envisages wishes.When you read the book ‘The Secret’ you’d realize that these wishes,of course when dreamed with a good intent,have their own journey’s.Just like the journey of your life they are clueless when wished,but  just like elsa from frozen got a staircase created in front of her to the North Mountain your dreams create paths.The innocence and purity of your wishes somehow gets noticed by the gods & the higher forces it doesn’t go unnoticed.

When I Cleared my boards both 10th, I wished to choose a profession to be connected with the real world.After sorting out my thoughts my subjects fields of interest wanting to become an astronaut,doctor,scientist ,architect.i chose Chartered Accountancy as my first professional path it is a journey by itself which I will be qualified to explain once I achieve it.

The thing about wishes is you wish for them but in that process living in the present and trying hard not to dwell in the achievements of the past and uncertainty of the future is a challenge.it is said that don’t share your dreams or knowledge and be competitive but I believe that in this infinite universe with endless horizons there is a certain place for every being ,every star,that knowledge doesn’t diminish when shared and there is only teamwork in the laws of nature no competition

I wish to be a CA & CPA Professional by 2024,

I wish to be Trained Vocally in Hindustani Classical Music that I am learning and debut as a vocalist,collaborate with my favourite musicicans to create music that inspires and heals souls delve deeper and strengthen my roots into Western Music composition and live in the beautiful sounds of musical instruments.

I wish to be a musician and learn to play th beautiful guitar like a pro, my first musical instrument that I’ll be learning.

I wished to be a writer at a later point of time to speak with more experience but I would say once a writer always a writer and that if you can dream it then you can do it.I was told my overthinking was a hindarance but the thing is to truly love yourself  unconditionally and to become the best version of yourself,Acceptance is the key so with due respect to the beautiful mess that I am I wish to be a record creating writer.

I wish to complete my bharatnatyam training and gracefully perform at my Arangetram.

I Wish for Happiness ,Wealth,Health and abundance to my near and dear ones ,to the good people I know to the guardian angels who taught me to pursue my goals and dreams,envisage them with confidence pursue them with diligence and overcome the dark storms, to the people who cared for me respected motivated and appreciated me the forces that made be believe that goodness exists in the Universe, I Wish infinity to the power of knowledge.

I Wish to make my parents proud and honour their love,devotion,sacrifices to help me build myself, I wish to make devi ma proud the universe proud for creating and having me here.

I wish that the boy I admired who used the quote it takes time to become timeless,believed in me when I didn’t and motivated me when I was down,managed everything in a fun way without worrying and said that he was here to live a good life not a long one who despite his intelligence was humble like the grass,I wish him happiness and I wish him to be my first love and have a lifetime partnership.

I wish to add BTS in my best friends list forever list and to be added in their’s.

I wish to make myself proud,be humble,confident and grateful, I wish to add the letters ‘CA’, ‘CPA’ and much more before and aftrer my name as my titles.

A Girl with varied potentials and talents I wish to specialize in each one of them to develop myself into the women I dream to be.

I wish to call myself CA Shreya V Mistry Sarita from CA Student Shreya.

I wish to become a CPA,an Auditor,finance professional,iwish to be a musician,vocalist,artist and much more.




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