Worth- Living

 Dear Rosa

I have been meaning to write back to you 

for quite some time now and I can imagine what a long wait it must have been, but you see, there is a good reason for that. For the past 2 months I haven’t been myself. My life hasn’t been the same since I found that there are chances of me spending the rest of my days lying in a hospital bed. I have no hope left, I feel like I’m already laying on my dying bed watching my relatives and my close friends from a distance with no hope that I can make it out alive. I’m not there yet though, I don’t know that feeling but I do know that there are some things I wish to do with my life. As much as this is a major setback I can’t help but think of all the things I have listed to do as in when this time goes on. There are some of us who believe in planning ahead creating exciting experiences and living our lives to the fullest. There’s just hope in having to prepare yourself for the future regardless of whether or not things might work out for you, after all we only get to live once. I had prepared a wish list, a list of all the things I wish to do till I grow older. You see, I want to keep track of my accomplishments to cherish all the incredible experiences I get to put myself through and venture into the world of the unexplored. So I made a wish list for that, well firstly, I’d like to go on a road trip, I’d like to travel the world and see the beauty of mother-nature in tranquility. I wish to visit one of the locations from my childhood, there are so many memories left behind and I want to remind myself what life had been like growing up. Secondly, I want to learn photography, I want to be able to capture each and every moment of my life, be it sweet or sour that’s what makes things journey so interesting anyway, both the good and bad memories that make part of our lives. I wish to create a scrapbook as well, to put inside all the memories I have captured so when I look back into it I can remind myself of life’s greatest treasures. There are just so many things I want to do. I wish to also fly first class, you know, one of its perks of being able to board the plane first and to also leave the plane first that’s what makes me want to fly first class so bad, I am a very impatient person mind you so I cannot be waiting for people to take their time boarding the plane. I also wish to read, read one of those classic novels with a glass of wine just to compliment a good book. Learn a comparative language just something out of the ordinary. Treat an old friend out for coffee or lunch just to catch up on lost time for all time sake. If ever I get the time I also wish to go on a boat cruise, I hear it’s a very amazing experience and I can imagine, just having to meet and socialize with people from different parts of the world sharing the same experience. Talking about sharing the same experiences I also want to start a team building campaign at work. Bring about change in the corporate world and have people engaging more together to make things easier and very much interesting. We are all bound to work together at some point in our lives and why not implement such a strategy it’s a good initiative after all.  Something I also wanted to try for a while now is sushi, I wish to try sushi, I always hear people raving about maritime food so I want to know what I’m missing out on. Learn how to play an instrument, any kind but preferably piano. Playing the piano would bring me so much joy and gratification it’s a very appealing instrument. I wish to go to a sporting event it would really be amazing to be amongst the spectators, imagine the chaos the opposition and the supporting teams all in one place. What is nice though is hearing them singing songs and cheering out loud for their teams, the greatest support ever and the best kind of feeling in any kind of sports. Those are just the bare minimum my biggest wish on my wish list is to learn to forgive, to forgive myself and those who had done me wrong. I was once told that forgiveness comes naturally but to me, it doesn’t. I fail to go on with my life because I keep holding onto things all in the name of being unforgiving. I will learn though, I will learn to forgive and to let go of things I cannot change. My last wish on my wish list is serenity, to be at peace, to find a haven of peace and serenity and to enjoy the tranquility of a happy life, that’s my last wish. By the time I lay on that hospital bed saying my last goodbyes I will be scratching off the last item on that wish list and I would have accomplished each and every wish I ever dreamed of…Life is a mystery to all but it does become adventurous to those that find beauty in the strange and those who appreciate life’s treasures. You can never know what you might get out of this life but you can try to make the most out of it, an adventure is always knocking on your door. In completing this wish list I will be glad to know that I had lived my life, I have done everything I ever dreamed of and that was worth living for…

Until I write again.

Yours graciously,




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